ABSCINT focuses on the development of radiolabelled single domain antibodies for whole body molecular imaging applications, to be used for the diagnosis of disease, for molecular characterisation of a disease, for monitoring treatment response and for detection of disease recurrence. The company has two clinical stage products: one in oncology and one in cardiovascular disease.
AgwA technics is the technical spin-off of AgwA architecture. AgwA technics specializes in the integration of complex industrial processes and machinery in buildings. It provides independent follow-up of work site and of the third party contractors, engineers to anticipate and minimize the risk of expensive errors. Over the past years, AgwA technics has developed a stable relationship with iBA’s protontherapy centers in europe, Russia, india and Japan.
AWEX, the Wallonia Export & Investment Agency, is the public service in Wallonia in charge both of attracting foreign investment to Wallonia-Belgium and to stimulate foreign trade by assisting the companies established in our region in their export endeavours. It constitutes a one-stop shop for all foreign companies interested in locating to Wallonia or expanding their existing activities and is the complete partner for all Walloon companies wishing to develop overseas.
Be.Sure is a certified radiation protection organisation active on Belgian territory and abroad with the mission of ensuring the radiation protection of workers, the public and the environment. The furnished services are: education, study of new installations, follow-up of the installation, control on site, help to workers, RPO and responsible, waste characterisation, decommissioning of installations.
The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency provides support to the three Belgian Regions and Federal government in promoting foreign trade. The Agency organises joint economic missions linked to an initiative by one or several of the Regions or at the request of the Federal Government.
Belgian Nuclear Forum, groups companies and institutions that are committed to the use of nuclear technology. The Belgian Nuclear Forum is dedicated to provide information on this technology.
Belnuc is the learned society for the professionals working in the field of nuclear medicine.
BelV, subsidiary to the FANC (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control), is in charge of the regulatory controls and safety assessments in the main nuclear installations in Belgium.
BeSTRO (Belgian Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology) is the scientific organization of radiation oncology in Belgium. The purpose of the association is to promote the practice and development of radiotherapy and oncology in the broadest sense, as well as to establish a fruitful dialogue with other clinical disciplines that can contribute in an important way to the successful treatment of patients. To this end, BeSTRO organizes training courses and continuing education, but the organization also participates in the development of national guidelines on oncological treatment and promotes scientific studies within radiation oncology.
BHPA is a Belgian organization of scientists who want to ensure accurate and safe use of technology and ionizing radiation in medical procedures such as radiology, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. Hospital physicists are generally known as medical physicists and are uniquely qualified to link the medical doctor to the patient through the responsible use of technology in both diagnosing and treating people. The main responsibility of the hospital physicist is to assure that the radiation prescribed to the patient is delivered accurately and safely.
BHTC, Belgian Hadron Therapy Consortium, groups the Belgian centres active in the field of hadron therapy.
The Binding Energy (TBE) is an independent nuclear engineering office, unique in the Belgian nuclear sector and active in different European countries. TBE is a scale-up, aiming to innovate based on the existing nuclear knowledge available in Belgium.
BioWin is the Health Cluster of Wallonia, Belgium. It is the regional reference holder for all stakeholders in innovative R&I projects in health biotechnology and medical technologies, whether they are companies, research centers or universities. It also aims to promote Wallonia internationally as a world-class life sciences environment for academic, clinical and industrial research.
Bordet Institute is an integrated, multidisciplinary centre, unique in Belgium and which enjoys an international reputation. The hospital is devoted entirely to patients affected by cancer. For more than 75 years, our teams have been offering patients leading-edge diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in the prevention, screening and active treatment of all types of cancer. The Jules Bordet Institute also carries out important research activities which every year lead to major discoveries, as well as providing high-level, specialised university training.
Brussels LifeTech is the public Brussels HealthTech cluster. It aims at facilitating and stimulating the attractivity and success of high potential HealthTech solutions with a focus on social and environmental impact. Its goal is to accelerate the availability of innovative healthcare solutions at the service of patients’ wellbeing and professionals’ needs by promoting collaborations and synergies between entrepreneurs, researchers, makers, practitioners and industries
CHU Liège: academic hospital of the ULg with the department of Nuclear medicine, department of Radiotherapy and the GIGA cyclotron.
CYCLADE brings together the expertise and synergies of five Belgian companies (IBA, Interboring, IRE, SCK CEN and Transrad) – specialists in dismantling and nuclear medicine – in order to meet the needs of sites wishing to decommission or dismantle an existing accelerator and its associated facilities, including cyclotrons. This consortium is a combination of industrial companies, SMEs and research centres offering a turnkey decommissioning solution from the study phases to the final management of materials.
CYRPA develops non-invasive lasers used for patient-positioning in radiotherapy. Precise patient positioning is essential for a successful radiotherapy treatment. CYRPA’s R&D team constantly develops new products in order to meet customers’ needs.
Debrouwer transports radioactive isotopes and raw materials that are destined for the use in medical and industrial applications every day. It is licensed for more than 35 years to execute Class 7-transport. Over that period of time, it developed a comprehensive expertise in this exceptional specialisation., working under strict supervision and control of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control.
ECPC, the European Cancer Patient Coalition, works for a Europe of equality, where all European cancer patients have timely and affordable access to the best treatment and care available, throughout their life regardless: nationality/the country they were born in; where they live; their education; seks; age; social background.
ECSA, the European Corporate Security Association, is the professional association of Managers in charge of Security, Resilience & Anticipation at public & private corporations and institutions, active in Europe.
EITA is a non-profit association, founded by European logistics companies, trained, licensed and highly sophisticated in transport and handling of radioactive isotopes, mainly used for medical purpose and / or research.
ELYSIA is a spin-off from the Cyclotron Research Centre of the University of Liège. It designs, manufactures, sells, and installs instruments used for the measurement of radioactivity and quality control activities.
The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) is a pioneer in promoting multi-disciplinary cancer clinical research and pan-European collaboration and links a network of more than 2.500 clinicians and scientists in more than 300 hospitals in over 30 countries.
FANC-AFCN, the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control promotes the effective protection of the general public, workers and the environment against the hazards of ionising radiation.
FIT, Flanders Investment & Trade, is the key point of contact for international business in Flanders.
Full-Life Technologies Limited (“Full-Life”) is a fully integrated global radiopharmaceutical company with operations in Europe, the United States, and China. works with entrepreneurs based in Brussels and elsewhere and with our partners to create a modern urban economy that lives up to its social and environmental values and to bring out the best in Brussels in terms of innovation, internationalisation and socio-economic impact.
IBA, (Ion Beam Applications S.A.) is the world leader in particle accelerator technology. The company is the leading supplier of equipment and services in the proton therapy field, considered to be the most advanced form of radiation therapy available today. IBA is also a worldwide key leader in the supply of equipment for single-use medical devices sterilization by E-Beam and X-Rays, as well as dosimetry solutions for quality assurance in radiation therapy and medical imaging. IBA is a certified B Corporation (B Corp) meeting the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance. IBA RadioPharma Solutions is a worldwide key leader in the supply of equipment for GMP radiopharmaceuticals production centres and offers a wide range of radiochemistry solutions designed to be highly productive and reliable for the everyday tracer needs, as well as customizable and flexible for research purposes.
ICMI, the In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core Facility at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel is specialized in nuclear and optical imaging of small animals.
INFINITY is the pre-clinical core imaging facility of Ghent University providing multi-modality imaging services to departments of Ghent University, Ghent University Hospital, Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) and the industry.
Intuitim provides medical imaging centres with tailored software and services for storage, communication and data management of medical images and health data.
IRE, the Institute for Radioelements, is a public utility foundation. Its main activity is the production of radioisotopes for diagnostic and treatment applications in the field of nuclear medicine.
IRE-Elit develops, produces and commercializes new, ready to use solutions for diagnostic and therapeutic agents in nuclear medicine such as Galli Ad and Galli Eo, the pharmaceutical grade 68Ge/68Ga generators.
ISI, Isotopes Services International, is specialized in international distribution of short lifetime products for the radiopharmaceutical market.
ISI is proud to be part of the Radiopharma Logistics Group
ISIB, Institut Supérieur Industriel de Bruxelles. Its nuclear and chemical department has expertise in the field of protection against ionising radiation, the recycling of raw materials, ISO certification of measurement methods… The department provides training for experts in radiation protection as well as services for private companies.
Kom op tegen Kanker is a non-governmental organisation, pioneer and point of contact in the fight against cancer in the Flemish Community.
KULeuven is dedicated to education and research in nearly all fields. Its fifteen faculties offer classes and degree-granting academic programmes, whilst research activities are organised by departments and research groups. These faculties and departments are clustered into three thematic groups: Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), and Biomedical Sciences. Each of these groups sponsors its own doctoral school for organising and awarding doctoral degrees. KU Leuven boasts thirteen campuses, spread across 10 cities in Flanders.
The LIEU network brings together the Knowledge Transfer Ofces (KTOs) from Universities and Higher Education Schools of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in Belgium, with the aim of optimizing their scientic and technological potential in favor of innovation and regional development through a collective approach.
MEDraysintell is a team of international experts providing first-rate strategic intelligence in nuclear medicine, radiopharmaceutical, cyclotron, proton therapy and brachytherapy.
Mirion developed and offers a broad array of standard training courses on topics ranging from radiation detection fundamentals to the expert use of Mirion Technologies most sophisticated products. Custom courses include development of learning objectives, presentation materials, and course examinations designed to meet your specific needs.
Molecubes provides molecular imaging solutions enabling an easy and flexible approach for in vivo scanning of lab animals: CT, SPECT and PET. The main application is imaging of biological processes in oncology, neurology, cardiology and inflammation.
ONDRAF/NIRAS, the Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials, manages all radioactive waste in Belgium. That waste is generated in nuclear power plants, research institutes, hospitals, laboratories and in the industry. By identifying, transporting, processing, storing and disposing of the waste, ONDRAF/NIRAS protects the population and the environment from the risks caused by radioactive waste. The waste is monitored in every step of the process by an extensive control system.
Nuclear Medicine Europe is the Brussels based European Industrial Association for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Healthcare.
Nucleis is a radiopharmaceutical company which proposes and manufactures Radiopharmaceutical Drugs for Diagnostic and Therapy Monitoring. It is a spin-off from the University of Liège (Cyclotron Research Centre – Belgium) created to outsource the GMP manufacturing and distribution of PET (*Positron Emission Tomography) radiopharmaceutical drugs.
Nuclivision is a Ghent-based MedTech startup, active in the field of nuclear medicine and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Their mission is to make nuclear medicine safer, more cost-effective, and more efficient for both patients and clinicians.
OMEGA RISK is an independent consultancy practice that assists Corporations, Organisations and Institutions in the fields of Security, Emergency Response & related Strategic Issues.
The Oncidium foundation, a non-profit and public benefit organisation, focuses on raising awareness about radiotheranostics for cancer therapy and providing support to accelerate global access.
ORA supplies fully automated PET radiopharmaceutical synthesizers (radiochemistry modules) for use in the production of sterile injectable PET drug products. The synthesizers are specifically designed and constructed to meet current industry standards and user requirements with its potential future needs also in mind. The robust hardware and advanced software capabilities provide the means to create an unlimited number of individualized radiotracer synthesis applications.
Orthanc aims at providing a simple, yet powerful software ecosystem for medical imaging. Orthanc is an entirely free and open-source project that is designed to improve the DICOM workflows in hospitals and to support research about the automated analysis of medical images. Orthanc is also a robust building block that can be used to create new applications or new cloud infrastructures leveraging the DICOM standard. As an integral part of the Orthanc ecosystem, Stone of Orthanc is a cross-platform library to display medical images, that notably features support for radiotherapy and nuclear medicine (DICOM RT-STRUCT and RT-DOSE).
Pantera is a joint venture between IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A.), the world leader in particle accelerator technology, and the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK CEN, world leader in reactor produced medical isotopes. Pantera will secure the large-scale production of Ac-225 (actinium-225), one of the most promising alpha-emitting radioisotopes to fight cancers. By working towards this large-scale production, Pantera’s ultimate goal is to improve the accessibility of future innovative cancer therapies based on Ac-225.
PM • Risk-Crisis-Change makes individuals, teams and organizations more resilient to manage crisis situations. It provides consultancy, training and on the job support before, during and after crises.
Quantum Biospace, Europe’s first TechBio science park, accelerates tech-first and AI-driven drug discovery, development, and manufacturing by uniting biology, technology, and premium facilities in Wavre North at the heart of Belgium.
PRECIRIX is a clinical-stage biotechnology company dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients by developing novel targeted radiopharmaceuticals using camelid single domain antibody fragments.
Radiomics is a next generation Liège-based imaging research organization focussing on AI powered healthcare, with a unique expertise in Radiomics, Deep Learning & Federated Learning applied to oncology and other therapeutic areas.
SCANNIX is specialized in the development and sales of nuclear spectroscopy equipment and radioprotection systems. Scannix offers a wide range of measurement devices in order to maintain safety of staff, assess the health of nuclear facilities and safeguard the public and the environment.
SCK CEN, the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, is a global leader in the field of nuclear research, services and education. Its mission is to contribute to a world in which these and future generations can live safely and in good health.
SCK CEN Academy ensures the transfer of all nuclear knowledge, skills and aptitudes of students and professionals in nuclear domains. The more access to nuclear knowledge, the better the competences of students and employees at the workplace and the safer the use of radioactive radiation in the industry, the health care sector and research environments. Moreover, excellent knowledge dissemination also supports new, innovative applications to the benefit of society as a whole.
SCK CEN-NURA, NURA contributes to the development of the next-generation radiopharmaceuticals. More specifically, NURA performs game-changing research into radiopharmaceuticals for treating different types of cancer in cooperation with clinical and industrial partners.
The Foundation against Cancer funds the work of many researchers at Belgian universities, provides information, social assistance and support to people with cancer and their families and contributes to prevention and detection through the wide dissemination of scientifically validated information.
Telemis is a healthcare IT company specialized in PACS/MACS (Picture/Multimedia Archiving & Communication System), Digital Pathology and Healthcare Business Intelligence solutions. Our solutions allow healthcare institutions (hospitals, clinics, etc.), private practices and OEM partners to manage digital imaging and healthcare data more efficiently. While they move to a more efficient environment and reduce cost, Telemis helps them to provide patients with a better quality of care.
TELIX is a global, commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of diagnostic and therapeutic (‘theranostic’) radiopharmaceuticals.
Tractebel Engineering is a leading international engineering consultancy company, and offers state-of-the-art engineering and consulting solutions to energy and infrastructure customers in the public and private sector.
TRANSRAD is a worldwide logistics company specialized in the nuclear and radioactive field. Transrad has its own fleet of vehicles and organises worldwide just in time transport of radioactive material (by land, sea and air). Next to its transport capacities, Transrad also has a storage capacity and its own fleet of packages.
TRASIS designs, develops, produces, and markets comprehensive solutions to manufacture, control, dispense and administrate radiopharmaceuticals. Our solutions, including automated equipment, raw materials, fill & finish, custom developments, regulatory and customer support, allow industry, research centers and hospitals to push the limits of Nuclear Medicine worldwide. Trasis focus its resources on accelerating the availability on the market of innovative diagnostics and treatments to effectively fight cancers and neurodegenerative diseases.
UAntwerpen is a young, dynamic and forward-thinking university. It integrates the assets of its historical roots with its ambition to contribute positively to society. It develops, provides access to and disseminates scientific knowledge through research, teaching and academic service to the community and accomplishes these tasks in a spirit of academic freedom and responsibility. The University of Antwerp espouses active pluralism. In that spirit, it stimulates critical research and teaching, reflection and debate on scientific, social, philosophical and ethical questions.
UCLouvain provides higher education programmes to regular students and to professionals and develops high-level research activities, both in close collaboration with socio-economic and cultural sectors and by hosting researchers and students from around the world. UCL is highly placed in international rankings. It is also a pioneer in the creation of massive open online courses.
UGent is a top 100 university and one of the major universities in Belgium, founded in 1817. Its 11 faculties offer a wide range of courses and conduct in-depth research within a wide range of scientific domains. UGent is a pluralistic university that is open to all students, regardless of their ideological, political, cultural or social background. ‘Dare to think’.
UHasselt is an independent university which is regionally anchored and has a pronounced international orientation. The university stands for excellence in education, top research in spearhead fields and active engagement in innovation and entrepreneurship. The overall objective is to combine academic excellence with economic and social relevance. Hasselt University targets students with attractive undergraduate, graduate and PhD programmes which are research-led and characterised by a high academic level and the integration of lifelong employability skills. The programmes are supported by a range of innovative and effective teaching/learning forms.
ULB, Université libre de Bruxelles, is a multicultural university with one third of students and researchers from abroad. Just like the city of Brussels itself, one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities, international relations is a daily reality for the Université libre de Bruxelles. Six Nobel Prizes, two Abel prizes, one Fields Medal, three Wolf Prizes, are further evidence of the University’s longstanding tradition of excellence.
ULiège, the only complete public university in the Belgian French-speaking community, prides itself on its pluralistic vision and on its pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, and innovation. It is a member of the Wallonia-Europe University Academy (together with Gembloux Agricultural University).
UMONS is ideally located in the heart of Europe. The University of Mons (UMONS) offers a wide variety of courses in an enriching environment, as well as close teacher-student relationships. Research at UMONS is carried out by some 1000 researchers within 10 research institutes, all of which is supported by the Department for Research Support and Technology Transfer. Each Institute brings together the skills of experienced researchers, post-docs and PhD students from several MONS faculties.
Thereby, our researchers are provided with increased visibility among
international organizations and donors. With its research excellence
UMONS contributes to the socio-economic development of the entire
UNamur puts meaning and a focus on the human person as the guiding principles. You will be trained to take responsibility. The commitment of the professors to their teaching role is a priority. The research institutes bring together and interweave various skills around a global topic. This way of functioning favours transdisciplinary collaboration and original approaches for research as well as for teaching.
UZ Antwerpen (UZA) is the academic hospital of the University of Antwerp with the department of Nuclear medicine and department of Radiotherapy. Also the Iridium radiotherapy network and the Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp.
UZ Brussel is well recognized amidst the university hospital landscape of Flanders and Brussels region and is closely associated with the Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
UZ Gent is the academic hospital of the UGent with the department of Nuclear medicine and department of Radiotherapy.
Vinçotte offers objective and advisory services in inspection, certification, conformity assessment and training, striving every day to create a safer and more efficient society.
Vortal is a company which, since 2004, has been manufacturing TYPE A packages in Belgium, intended for the transport of radioactive products.
VUB, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, is an internationally oriented university in Brussels, the heart of Europe. Through tailor-made high quality research and education, VUB contributes in an active and committed way to a better society for tomorrow. VUB is linked to the world from within the international capital Brussels. A never-ending quest for knowledge, insights and enlightenment form the golden thread in all VUB does in education, research and social commitment.
WIS, World Infinity Services is dedicated to the worldwide transport and logistics of radioactive materials and radiopharmaceutical products. We are focused on providing a safe and secure, compliant and high-quality customer experience. We perform feasibility studies in terms of regulation, transport- and packaging permits. With our dedicated partners we provide worldwide door-to-door logistics, airfreight and charter services.
XEOS AURA 10 is the first-ever PET-CT Specimen Imager for the OR, offering surgeons and imaging specialists the sensitivity of PET imaging, combined with submillimeter spatial resolution.