Belgian expertise

Belgium is a worldwide leader in all links required for the clinical practice in nuclear medicine and for the applications of nuclear science and technology in healthcare. From the production and refinement of radioisotopes over transport, generator production, labelling and radiopharmaceuticals, imaging equipment, pre-clinical and clinical studies to daily practice, Belgium excels in all steps of the value chain. Associated with this is top-level expertise in the required fields.

Belgian expertise

The Belgian expertise is listed under the following categories:

  • Irradiation, purification, isotope supply
  • Transport
  • Generator production
  • Radiochemistry – radiopharmacy – medical physics
  • Dedicated hard- and software
  • Education and training
  • Academic research and patient care
  • Supporting activities
  • Agencies and associations

Within each category, the entries are listed in alphabetic order.

A PDF file with the full list and short descriptions for the different entries is provided.