IBA RadioPharma Solutions
IBA RadioPharma Solutions is a worldwide key leader in the supply of equipment for GMP radiopharmaceuticals production centres and offers a wide range of radiochemistry solutions designed to be highly productive and reliable for the everyday tracer needs, as well as customizable and flexible for research purposes.
Activities and description
RadioPharma Solutions supports hospitals and radiopharmaceutical distribution centers in two ways: with their in-house radioisotope production; and by providing global solutions, from project design to the operation of their facility to produce 18F-FDG, other 18F-labeled compounds (18FCH, 18FLT, Na18f) and future radiopharmaceuticals.
Targeted market
IBA Solutions’ growth perspectives are positive with the increased demand for proton therapy solutions, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and theranostics radiopharmaceuticals, and for sterilization solutions throughout developed and emerging countries.
Ongoing projects/partnerships/collaborations
IBA is involved in several collaboration projects with universities, poles and activity and business partners.